77s - Alone Together

We're alone now
Just like always
And like always
I'm feeling so lonely
Alone with you
We're together
So together
And together
We see how un-together
We have grown
Who'll be the first to say
We're out of time?
Did we lose heart
Or did we lose our minds?
I got my ways
You got your ways
And it seems like
The more ways we try
The more ways we fail
There was a time
We had more time
But that time's long behind us
And pushing us forward now
If you went your way and i went mine
Would we still meet up
Somewhere down the line?
When love was on loan
It was so incredible, my love
Now that love is owned
It's all so regrettable, my love
When you found me
I was one man
Now we're two who won't
Become one for the life of me
Now i'm half-baked
At my half-life
Half a man
All my plans all so ruined
For this also-ran
The little things that i forgot to do
Is now one big thing killing me and you
When we were unknown
It was so incredible, my love
Now that all's been shown
It's all so regrettable, my love
When love was full blown
It was so incredible, my love
Now that love has flown
It's all so regrettable, my love
What could i do, my love?
Was it all up to me
Or was it all up to you, my love?
I always knew my love
It was neither one
'cuz either one or the other
My sister your brother will fail
No, 1 and 1 will never become 2
When there's a third one
Between me and you
When love was on loan
It was so incredible, my love
Love we thought we owned